Friday, May 21, 2010

Something that is hard to do

Ya know sometimes I wonder if what I feel really matters anymore. I mean don't get me wrong everything is going great and I don't know maybe I am being a little harsh but I can't help it, it is just the way I feel. I know that your are probably wondering what I am talking about. Well, I am talking about how my boyfriend wants to join the National Guard, but the thing is my feelings are stopping him from going. The sad part about it is that I don't want to stop him from doing anything in his life. I guess that I am just scared. I mean you see all the news on the television about these young solders that are 19 and have just graduated that have been killed. I don't want to go through each moment worrying if I will have soldiers on my doorstep at any possible moment telling me that my boyfriend has been killed. I don't want to count down the months or years until I get to be in his arms again. I want to know that he is safe and will come home each night. But see there I go again letting my feelings get in the way of something that he wants to do. I just want him to be happy and if that means letting him go into the service then I guess I am going to have to. I have always wanted him to do what he wants to and I am not going to stand in the way of that. That is not what a good girlfriend does. A good girlfriend will do what I am about to, stand beside her boyfriend and give him the support he needs from me and help him in any way that I can to make sure he achieves what he wants to in lie no matter the sacrifices.

1 comment:

  1. You know that if he is in the National Guard, he won't be sent away unless he opts to. National Guard is mainly staying here.
