Monday, March 22, 2010


I know that these next 2 blogs many people will think are really weriod but these are notes that that I have written to Tyler and they are about us...but I don't care what people think it's my blog and I want to share them sense people doubt our relationship so yea... you don't have to read them and Im not going to force you to either...
Baby I know that you prolly get tired of me saying this but I really love you. I don’t know wat I would do without you in my life. This may seem cheesy, but you are light in my life. You make me smile and sometime its just by looking at you. Baby I don’t know what to do when I’m not with you. You make life amazing and happy. I love how you teach me about myself each day. You have really helped me develop. Especially come over fears. When I am scared you are there with me and help me overcome it. Baby you mean the world to me. I cannot even begin to tell you how much you mean to me. Now this will sound prolly weird to you, but this is how I feel and see it. Tonight I pray to god and thank him. I thanked him for blessing me with you coming into my life. I believe I know why he did to. He blessed me w/ you in my life because you are always there for me when I need someone and you teach me even if you don’t see it. I also pray for him to make you the one for me, and I am not going to give up faith. I pray hard for our love each night. Baby I know that you are my first but I believe you are the one. I will fight for us. I will fight hard. Baby I am always here for you and will do anything for you. I know that I haven’t been the best girlfriend in the world. But I am trying my hardest. I really am. I am still learning something on being in a relationship. Just tell me what to do and I will do it. I want to make you happy. I’m so sorry for the way things have been these past few weeks. I’m trying to do better and change and learn from my mistakes. I love you so much precious. I want to thank you for opening my eyes to new things. Baby please never leave me!!! Please I beg of you. I’m sorry if some of this or all of this doesn’t make sense. I am falling asleep and also it is almost 2am while I write this. You will always be mine no matter what happens. I hope that if we fight, disagree, or get annoyed wit one another that we can talk it out and work everything out even if we scream, cry, or not speak. I want to grow old wit you. I know that is a cliché but it’s the truth. Baby you’re my world and I will love you for eternity. This whole paper is from my heart and from god. Always keep your faith even when things aren’t going well. That’s what I do and as long as you believe everything will be fine. Be positive. I LOVE YOU!!! –Payton- 3-15-10

All this is true and it is sincere this is from the bottom of my heart!!!!

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