Tuesday, March 30, 2010


You are the light in my life and I could not ask for anything better. You have truly opened my eyes towards things that I never once thought or seen before. I cannot thank you enough for doing that. I finally no my answer to if you are the one despite what anybody says. I know you are because well for one you like me for me and wouldn't have it any other way. I can be myself around you, I am always happy and at school I am not invisible to you. You hang out with me and my friends even when I know that sometimes you don't want to. I am so happy with you and truly would not have it any other way. I don't care what anybody else thinks I know in my heart and in the faith of God that you are the one for me. You are so amazing and don't let anybody bring you down not even your parents say because I know that you will prove them wrong!! I love you and i truly mean that. I love how we can fight be mad then hug and we are all happy again. I know that each time we fight it makes our relationship stronger and then we know each others point of view on it. I always thought that moving here was going to be awful, but now when I look at it I see that it turned out to be a blessing, and I know why God wanted me to move here and I know why he blessed me with you in my life. So this is to answer your question from earlier why I think you are so amazing. I could prolly go on but it would be very long and I don't have any more words to describe how much I truly care/love you.!

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